RTC Clock Function Block
(Pro version only, MBus_io12_LCD & MBus_io14_DIN devices only)

The (RTC) function block allows access to the on-board real-time-clock (RTC) parameters. This block is only available in the PRO version and currently only for the MBus_io12_LCD and MBus_io14_DIN devices.

RTC definition parameters

Parameter Description
Name Function block name, see common parameters
Units Parameter's engineering units, see common parameters
Scale Parameter's scale, see common parameters
Format Parameter's format, see common parameters
RTC Parameter

The Real Time Clock (RTC) parameter to be accessed. The following options are available: All parameters are both readable and writeable. When written to the on-board real-time-clock chip will be permanently updated.

Device Address The device's current RS485 communication address
Year The current RTC year value. (2000 to 2099)
Month The current RTC month value. (1 to 12)
Day The current RTC day of the month value. (1 to 31)
Hour The current RTC hour value. (0 to 23)
Minute The current RTC minutes value. (0 to 59)

The current RTC seconds value. (0 to 59)

Day Of The Week The current RTC day of the week value. (1=Sunday to 7=Saturday)
Day's Elapse Minutes The RTC's total elapse minutes into the current day (0 to 1439). Writing to this parameter will adjust the RTC's Hour,Minute, and Seconds parameter.
Day's Elapse Seconds The RTC's total elapse seconds into the current day (0 to 864399). Writing to this parameter will adjust the RTC's Hour,Minute, and Seconds parameter.