Composing a Viewer Page (MBus_ioFlash Pro)

To start creating a Viewer Page, go to the menu Viewer->New Page. A pop-up box will allow you to name your new page. The name of the page can be edited later, using the menu option: Viewer->Rename Page.

The following blocks are available to create a viewer:

Bar-graph Block: similar to an analog monitor, can be used to monitor any analog block from any device of the project.
Double-click to open the Point Selector - see image below the table. By default, digital values are filtered, but can be added by checking the Digital Filter check-box. Left side tree allows the selection of the device, available blocks are listed in the Blocks table. Select the block you wish to monitor with the bar-graph. Check the Read-Only check box if you don't want the value to be overwritten.

Numeric Counter Block: can be used to monitor the numeric value of any analog block from any device of the project.
Double-click to open the Point Selector - see image below the table. By default, digital values are filtered, but can be added by checking the Digital Filter check-box. Left side tree allows the selection of the device, available blocks are listed in the Blocks table. Select the block you wish to monitor with the numeric counter. Check the Read-Only check box if you don't want the value to be overwritten.

LED block: similar to a digital monitor, can be used to monitor the state of any digital block from any device of the project.
Double-click to open the Point Selector - see image below the table. By default, analog values are filtered, but can be added by checking the Analog Filter check-box. Left side tree allows the selection of the device, available blocks are listed in the Blocks table. Select the block you wish to monitor with the LED. Check the Read-Only check box if you don't want the value to be overwritten.

Graph block: can be used to build a line-graph representation of one or more blocks from any device of the project (can accumulate and display data from any block in the project on the same graph). The size of the Graph in the viewer page is user-adjustable, click and drag the low-left corner to adjust. The Point Selector is different for the Graph, since it can display more than one parameter. The left side tree allows the selection of the device, the middle table displays the available blocks of the selected device. Select the block(s) you want to monitor and use the Arrow button to move them to the right side table. You can add to the same Graph blocks from various devices. All blocks in the right side table will be displayed in the Graph.

Text block: adds a text box to your viewer page, three font sizes are available. Input the text in the Text field.

Link block: adds a link to a different viewer page.
Two fields available: Name: give a name to your link, and Link to: input the name of the page you want to link to.


Point Selector:
Point Selector - Graph: